Friday, 15 May 2015

Tinted Glasses

I I've always looked at everything through tinted glasses,
Some sights amazed me because of their grandeur,
Some disinterested me because they were so dull.
I liked my tinted glasses, they gave me an inexplicable power.
A power to see as I wanted.
One day, just out of curiosity I put my glasses down,
Amazed I was as my eye beheld an array of colours I never knew existed.
I was experiencing so much more than I had earlier.
I realised my attachment to my tinted glasses wasn't the best thing for me.
There were colours I would see and dislike, but now with a satisfaction of disliking them for their actual being.
Pre-held notions prevent us from seeing people as who they are.
How amazing would it be if we could let go of these notions just like the tinted glasses.
Each individual is a different colour, losing the tinted glass would help to appreciate and know so many more of our kind.
And just then the world would be such a colourful place.

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